多久算是waiting?目前沒有可靠數字,Javascript去load flash時,Google就會bypass
曾經有某SEO廠商的CEO,她在網路上刊登文章說: Guess what? Most Flash is still highly invisible in Google. To test this , I went directly to some Flash sites , and pasted exact words contained within their Flash into Google (using quotes)and most of the sites did not show up in the search results. Upon review of the source code of two sites that did show up I found that one was using the phrase I looked for within their Meta description (see… meta descriptions actually DO count for something with Google , despite what some will tell you). The other site had lots of text within the code beneath the Flash so that search engines and browsers without Flash would have some meaningful info. While that’s a good alternative , the info they had was very different from the info contained in their Flash. That’s a bit of a dangerous game to play with the search engines if you ask me. If that info is good enough for search engines and iPhones , why isn’t it good enough for your most important users? 她去測試一些有flash的網站,發現許多在flash的文字都沒有被Google index,所以她下了一個結論:大多的flash還是沒被Google抓來index
在flash看到的文字不一定是真的text,有些為了字形美觀或效果,必須轉換成graphic圖形物件,光是外部觀察是不容易看出哪些是真的text,除非你自己電腦的font去變動,看該flash是否會依你的變動而不同,如果會的話就是真的text,不過這個應該沒人這麼閒去做這個測試,而且大同小異的font這麼多,你也很難清出他真正用的font,而且以javascript去load flash,就算是flash中是純text,Google也不會抓,這位CEO的建議是對的,但是判斷過程是錯誤的
當然無意義的flash應該盡量減少,使用flash還是要以HTML搭配,flash text是否可以被Google index也不是太大的問題
資料來源: SEO網路行銷

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